20 years doing what she does best and believes in…with no limitations. Success goes beyond her. For Josie Brandon®, it is about everyone getting in the game of winning in life and business.
- Featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, I Heart Radio, RAI TV, Malta TV and hundreds of affiliate radio stations in United States and across the world.
- Certified Media Buyer, Digital, Streaming, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire
- Verified Jay Abraham Strategies, Direct Response Marketing, Platinum Capital Venturist
- Certified NLP Practitioner, Business Acceleration, Quantum Leap for high performers and potential high performers who want to further improve their lives, professions, and businesses.
- Platform Creation, Platform Positioning, Pitching Products, Services to Industry Billionaires, Leaders.
- Branding, Ad Design, Re-Branding, Target Distribution, Packaging, Commercial Advertising, SEO, SEM
- Industries B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), C2B Consumer to Business), B2E (Business To Employee), G2G (Government to Government), B2G (Business to Government), G2B (Government to Business) G2C (Government to Citizen), C2G(Citizen to Government), Start-Ups, Entrepreneurs, Venture Capitalists
- Intellectual Property, Trademark, Patents, Incorporation, Business Industry Publisher
- Licensing & Publishing Music, Commercials, Films

Josie Brandon® has privately coached, branded, marketed and helped over 3,000 CEO’s around the world behind the scenes.

Josie Brandon® is one of the most influential business woman in the industry …

Josie Brandon® has helped thousands and has been featured on Affiliates ABC, CBS, NBC, America’s Top Businesses, Heart Radio, Europe Television.

Josie Brandon® is a top marketing and business strategist and has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, America’s Top Businesses, iHeartRadio and on hundreds of radio stations across the world. She believes if your going to build a business then build it with the intentions of changing world history for the better. Josie Brandon is advocate of companies that understand the power of human capital behind the million dollar vision. On ABC, she shared this legendary comment with her client, “Your people on your team are your greatest asset next to the branding of your company name, so get people who care about you as passionately as they care about the product or service you want to showcase. It all is vital to elevation of your vision.”
“You need a company that knows strategic business methods inside your company as much as they know Facebook advertising. It’s crucial.”
– Josie Brandon® teaches at Global Conference 2022
Josie Brandon® top marketing and business strategist and has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, America’s Top Businesses, iHeartRadio and on hundreds of radio stations across the world. Josie Brandon® is a top global business development and marketing strategist that CEOs hire around the world for themselves and for building their companies.
Josie Brandon® shared to a group of over 2500 CEO’s around the world that many people seek hiring and will type in their google search “Facebook advertising expert or social media management near me” however she heeds caution and suggests they look for expertise with a strategic business background to know strategic methods to improve company trends, patterns, systems and coaching employees to support the marketing they will attain from the advertising. Both qualities are vital to the lifeblood of a company.

Clients of EMillionaire Media will get the benefit of coaching their business using the Quantum Brandon Engineering Method.
Josie Brandon® will NOT work with CEO’s doing unethical business practice and unwilling to make changes necessary to grow their business. Her reasons were celebrated by those at the global conference in January of 2020. By popular demand, she returns in 2023.

– Dr. Ray Bisesi – Help Motivate Me ABC TV affiliate feature
“Most company owners want someone to come in and wave a magic wand to start marketing and promoting them without identifying their core needs and without telling the CEO’s what they need to hear that is preventing their business to grow.” Josie Brandon shared at the Global Business Conference… “I have seen 2 CEO’s in my 25 year career span doing unlawful business practice and were incredibly horrific at taking accountability. I will respectfully not disclose them, but they were the worst example of company ownership. I learned a long time ago that I will not represent any client whose ego is bigger than the laws and systems I know that govern success. This genuine comment filled with passion sparked applause by those in attendance.
Josie Brandon continued to share…”My hearts desire is to see people win and succeed. I have been doing this so long I have been given the gift to see patterns and the destructive nature of what will happen way before CEO’s can. So I share blatant honesty never ever to hurt anyone. My responsibility is to awaken that CEO because if they don’t change and do what is necessary to follow these guidelines I professionally know are vital, these CEO’s will close their doors and face major devastation. So everything is always well intended. I simply can’t represent anyone I can no longer respect or believe in, no matter how much money they offer me. I have a responsibility to everyone I serve to protect and build. And the good news, I always know there are so many CEO’s ready to do whatever it takes to get into major transformation for long term success. So, I professionally don’t look back ever. I am always moving forward. And let me say this… 100% of the time the people who don’t listen, don’t have a business within 3 years, so they realize on their own their price of their ego over business facts. “
“The courage to be bold out of a genuine desire to see people succeed is not easy, but it has major rewards sometimes years later.”
“I received an email after two years of coaching this business executive who had major personal issues affecting him and his business. He wrote a letter two years later to me and apologized for being uncooperative. He stated I was the only one that really ever cared and he just wasn’t used to anyone being so forthright and genuine. He said Josie Brandon, you were tough, but you are the one that saved my life. I will always be grateful for you.”